Habits of Mind

Habits of Mind

In Arthur L. Costa and Bena Kallick's, Describing 16 Habits of Mind, the authors discuss about student performance under challenging conditions to resolve a problem. Students trying to solve a problem and giving up, the student should be able to produce a behavior to try to solve the problem showing different way of understanding and knowledge. This would help the student know how to act in different problems showing the values of thinking in different problems.

The Habits of Mind that applies to me because I am also a student is that I should know how to act in different problems instead of getting mad and giving up. An example would be me writing this paper right now that I am writing. My way of thinking would just give up and talk to my friends but I think flexible which I don’t give up till am done.The authors states " Flexible people are the ones with the most control. They have the capacity to change their mind as they receive additional data. They engage in multiple and simultaneous outcomes and activities, draw upon a repertoire of problem solving strategies and can practice style flexibility, knowing when it is appropriate to be broad and global in their thinking and when a situation requires detailed precision."This habit applies to me a lot because am a thinker when it comes to the easy things in life to the hardest thinks in life. A good example is school. When i took my regents and study for the whole night and the next day I forgot everything, I was the most stress out person I knew. When I sat and took that test all I could do is sit down and think common sense material for the science regents. Students who take tests, apply for the college they want or trying to fit in is a very stress time. This is why the authors want to learn and teach students how to deal with this stress and think intelligently.

Intelligent people solve problems with different habit. This is what makes people very successful. President Obama is an example. With this economic crisis happening in the United States. The president has to use his best habits to solve this problem instead of just giving up. One of his best habit that I have seen is being persist.

© Peter Gil 2010